For best results follow these instructions carefully

Our unique 3 in 1 formula effectively

1) Removes unsightly ingrown hair, shaving rash, bumps, razor burn,bikini line waxing rash problems IN DAYS

2) Immediately Dispels Odor

3) Heals the skin restoring it back to original good condition.

Legole is an odorless, water based serum that is PROVEN to work in days, eliminating your ingrown hair and associated problems, while restoring the skin back to its original condition. Perfect for those sensitive, personal areas, and its guaranteed!

Apply Legole 3-in-1 Anti Ingrown Hair Serum twice daily to your ingrown hair problem area with the palm of your hand. Rub in well until the skin is dry.

Legole will effectively almost immediately remove the dreaded ITCH followed by the reducing the ingrown bump , exfoliate the skin and sanitize the area for incredible results. Continue application daily until the problem vanishes then apply 3 times a week to keep it away. Also apply whenever itching occurs as this is a significant indication that the problem is recurring.


Apply to the Brazilian, bikini line and underarms at work, play and during those intimate moments to immediately eliminate odor. Legole cleanses and sanitizes the area leaving you fresh comfortable, confident and odor free.

DO NOT pick or scratch the area as you will make the problem worse

Odour elimination


Shake bottle well. Squeeze a 50c size amount product into the palm of your hand. Vigorously rub the product in to the affected area until the area is dry and all liquid has evaporated.

Do not use any alcohol or creams after application in the affected area
Do not pick or scratch near the area during the healing process.

Reapply the product whenever itching occurs.

After the ingrown hair vanishes, apply every morning and evening to sanitize the area eliminating any odour. and prevent the ingrown hair problem from returning. This routine will keep you fresh and confidant all day – it lasts 12 hours

TO REMOVE EXISTING ingrown hair problem from the bikini line, under arm, legs, face, and more: Apply the Legole 3-in-1 Anti Ingrown Hair Serum to your existing ingrown hair problem TWICE DAILY. Rub the product into the problem vigorously with the palm of your hand until all the liquid evaporates.

Do not wash off until your next shower.

Use twice daily morning and evening after showering until problem vanishes.
This usually takes 3 to 9 days depending on the severity of the issue.

TO PREVENT the ingrown hair from recurring, use The Legole 3-in-1 Anti Ingrown Hair Serum BEFORE and AFTER every hair removal treatment be it shaving, waxing, threading, sugaring, epilation treatment machines or use of hair removal creams.
Also apply this product whenever itching occurs. Apply 3 times a week to prevent the return of the problem.

Only remove hair ( thread, pluck, shave, wax or epilate) the face or body hair AFTER your ingrown hair has vanished using Legole.

Trying to de-fuzz while the issue persists will make it worse.
Do not use alcohol, gel or cream based products. Alcohol will burn dry and crack the skin while gels and creams attract bacteria into these sensitive areas due to their stickiness. The Legole formula is water based, pH balanced and gentle to the skin.


Apply the Legole 3-in-1 Anti Ingrown Hair Serum to the area, rub in vigorously with your hand and wait 3 minutes.

Generously apply the Legole Hair Removal Cream or shaving gel to the area and remove hair preferably in the direction of hair growth.

For best results when using the Legole Hair Removal Cream, do the pull test:: Test the strength of the hair by pulling at it every 30 seconds following application.

When it easily comes away, wash cream away immediately with warm water only. Pat the area dry. Do not leave the cream on the skin for longer than 15 minutes.

Reapply the Legole 3-in-1 Anti Ingrown Hair Serum and rub in until the liquid evaporates to prevent the development of irritation and skin burn.

During your next shower apply the Legole Exfoliating Sea Salt Skin Polish to effectively remove the dead skin cells that clog the follicles


  • Legole 3-in-1 Anti Ingrown Hair Serum, Legole Skin Polish and Legole Hair Removal Cream should be used together for best results. When treating the bikini line, underarms and more with the Legole Hair Removal Cream, you need to know exactly what the ideal time frame is. If you leave the cream on for too long the skins pH will be upset and burning will occur. If the cream is removed too quickly it will not work properly.
  • Follow this method and you won’t go wrong.
  • After applying the HAIR REMOVAL cream, pull at the hair to be removed every 30 seconds. When the hair easily comes away from the skin , wash the area thoroughly. Wash the skin immediately if skin starts to sting. The time taken to “melt the hair will vary depending on the individual???s hair strength.

Follow this process to assess your time frame.

  • Because most creams work by melting the hair ( keratin) away they should never be left on for longer than is necessary. Do not leave the product on for longer than 15 minutes. These formulas should NOT to be used on the face. We accept no liability for burns when product is left on for too long.

RESULTS: See and feel the difference

  • Within minutes of applying the Legole 3-in-1 Anti Ingrown Hair product, the itching and irritation will stop! The red swelling will recede .The skin cells trapping the hair in the follicle, will peel away. This will resolve the problem within days Your ingrown problem will vanish completely within 3 to 9 days depending on the severity of the ingrown hair problem.
  • NB: If the above does not happen please see your doctor as the layer covering the mouth of the follicle may be too thick for penetration and exfoliation. You may need an incision.

How To achieve the Best Shave.
Men and women suffer for vanity. In the pursuit of that clean smooth feel we often end up with cuts scratches,scrapes, bumps and INGROWN HAIR.
The ingrown hair problem is suffered by both sexes of all races , all over the world AND all over the body.
Face, neck, back, chest, jock line, buttocks (and in between), bikini line testicles, public area under arms and legs. How often have you seen men and women “scratch” their bikini line , neck or under their chin? This is because the sharp end of the hairs they shaved that morning is irritating the skin on the neck. Scratching together with the abrasion from clothing or under wear causes scar tissue to develop.

Applying Legole Anti Ingrown Hair Aqua Serum will remove your ingrown hair (shaving rash) problems and keep it away with continued use. If you have an existing ingrown hair problem DO NOT remove hair while you have the problem. Apply Legole Anti Ingrown Hair Serum to dry skin, after showersing. Place a 50c size amount into the palm of your hand. Now close your hand to disperse the liquid. Rub in vigourosuly into the area where the problem exists until dry. Apply TWICE a day until the problem vanishes.Rub the serum in until it is dry on the skin. Do not apply moisturisers during the healing process.

These RESULTS were achieved using Legole after 2 weeks of daily application.

It is always better to shave after you shower as the hair will be plump up with moisture from your shower and stand away from the skin. This is the first stage of the preparation for the ultimate shave.

Apply the Legole Exfoliating Skin Polish to the face and body while you are in the shower and rub the product into the skin remove the dead skin cells that clog the pores and hair follicle.

Preparing to shave:

  1. Apply Legole 3 in1 Ingrown Hair Serum to the area to be shaved
  2. Apply the shaving cream to the shaving area and rub in well
  3. Using a sharp twin blade disposal razor, shave IN THE DIRECTION OF HAIR GROWTH. NB: DO NOT shave against the direction of hair growth as this will increase irritation.
  4. For Men : Start from the ears and work your way down the cheeks to the neck. Shave your way down your cheek to the neck.
  5. After the face and neck is shaved, concentrate on the upper lip and shave this area from the nose to the end of the lip DOWNWARD!
  6. Shaving the chin, start from lip work your way down to the chin line.
  7. Wash your face and dry it THEN reapply Legole 3in1 Anti Ingrown Hair Serum the face and leave on all day.